SCH’s Mission is to help achieve a cleaner, more sustainable environment, and a smaller carbon footprint. With their products they intend to do just that!

By using what the earth provides, they produce products that will not only help our customers but help our AMAZING planet as well.

Krystal grew up on a farm that grew vegetables, flowers and livestock. For as long as She can remember She always felt a deeper connection to Earth and the world around her.

She often spent hours alone in the woods, having memories of munching on random plant material. She loved "the little sour ones that looked like Clovers" (Wood Sorrel) and was eating red clovers, honey suckle and more.

Right after high school she played around a bit, always working for her father in his greenhouses. Fast forward 15 years and TONS of life lessons and ups & downs, she now knows her purpose.

She wants to share the knowledge of the MAGICAL plant world and all it knows, as well as provide the cleanest, truest, lowest carbon foot print She possible can.

Krystal, based out of south county RI, is the mother of 3, farmer, grower, naturalist, stargazer, dreamer and a crystal healer. Come say hello, grab some selfcare products this Sunday. Visit here at the market on select dates.